When it came to love, I had this picture perfect portrait hung neatly on the walls of my mind. But to my misfortune, the wind blew so hard that the thin thread of string holding the image up, snapped in half. Sadly, that portrait from that day on no longer existed as the ideal figure of love I wish to see in my life - Instead, it marked the reality of life itself and how cruel emotions can actually be. I count myself foolish, I had no respect for myself and I will continue to think that way no matter what people try and tell me, because in the end, only I will know who I truly am...
But thank you sincerely for showing me, for leading me into the direction I should have never walked into, I found myself digging holes daily for my unsettled state of mind, but I think I see a light now... I think I can finally let go of what had happened in the past and smile without feeling that sense of hatred towards myself. We all grow up, we meet new people, we lose some also, I'll keep you in memory. Whatever the future brings, I'll deal with it then. For now, I'll leave my heart content with satisfaction.
★ The blogger;