Methods: My ability to generate correct answers to your mathematical problem sets is pretty much nonexistent. I don’t remember anything I learn of you, I can’t memorise formulas, the different types of classifications and for god sakes I suck at factorizing. If only you were as easy as counting to ten. I can see myself neglecting methods more than I should; It’s just a bunch of numbers hurdled up together as an equation, why is it so hard? And that’s where I go wrong, terribly wrong.
Physics: Physics you enlighten me every single lesson of how idiotic I am for picking you, though how you intrigue me whilst you confuse me at the same time really does work out in this love hate relationship we have going on. I love how I hate you. It’s as simple as that but I know I can’t continue on forever pretending to understand. Neither can I continue on forever ignorant to the fact that I hold potential if I just put more effort into my studying. I do understand you at points, and when I do I swear it’s like an epiphany but because I tend to neglect you I just... forget.
Biology: There’s no love, just hate and hate on my part of the relationship. You bore me, literally that I can snooze in class but because I do not want to look like the disturbed student that I am, I keep my eyes open and my ears blocked. Either way, I get nothing – absolutely nothing. My brain capacity for the functions of these plants and animals and whatnot is limited, it sucks I know. I’ll be fair and give you the attention you deserve from now on; I promise I’ll put more effort into you.
Accounting: You started off well, I was determined on doing good. You’re okay now I suppose, it’s a hefty job keeping myself up to date with everything but I like you so I will continue to like you. It’s a new start, maintaining you and making sure you keep yourself organized is hard for someone like me but you trigger something within that I can’t seem to pinpoint. All I know is that I enjoy doing you when I actually put the time into it and not copy answers off people because I forgot to do you the night prior.
Economics: You need no praise, you know your stance. I love you.
English: Go easy on me here, yes I speak English, yes I enjoy writing stories and sharing it with the online community and yes I find you intriguing but GOD BE DAMN WOULD YOU STOP BEING SO VAGUE AND STUBBORN!
Religion: You’re my best friend. I'm not a religious believer but the fact that my scores for you are probably the highest, as long as you continue to go about the way you are I'll probably start worshiping you.