How the fuck did this happen, the fact that I have no recollection whatsoever about what I did with my phone after using it to call Amanda yesterday. I know for a fact that I was using it during the day, texting, calling and facebook-ing since I wasn't at school, that was about it. My last memory with it was when I called Amanda to say I was coming over to her house soon and ta-da. I walked out of the house, went to reverse my aunty's car then got into my mom's car and was driven there. Now usually when I get there I whip out my phone to call Amanda and tell to open the door, but dun dun dun.... my fucking phone wasn't on me. I assumed it was at home but when i got home dun dun dun... it wasn't home for fuck sakes. It wasn't in my aunty's car, nor my mom's... therefore it would mean that it never left my house... but I can't find it.
The ringing goes through yet meaning that it's on and it's somewhere.... plus its on silent too so i have the slightest fucking clue why I can't hear the vibration this time round... I swear it's like blank spot right there because I drank alcohol or something... but I didn't. MOTHER FUCK.